Friday, March 18, 2005

Godmother of Soul - RIP

It's barely been reported, but one of the most influential soul singers of the '70s passed away this week.

Lyn Collins, called 'one of the most sampled female artists of all time' in mindless press agency obituaries, was in fact the most passionate and skillful of James Brown's coterie of R&B vocalists.

You'll probably know her from the line,
"It takes two to make a thing go right / It takes two to make it out of sight".

That ad-lib, from her biggest hit "Think (About It)", was sampled by both Rob Base & DJ E-Z Rock, and DJ Jazzy Jeff & The Fresh Prince in the '80s.

But there's plenty more where that came from, including the sublime "Mr Big Stuff". You should check it out if you can.

  • The Independent: Lyn Collins Obituary
  • Lyn Collins: The Female Preacher

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