Thank you!

Having said that, I have some actual commissions at the moment (fingers crossed).
The most pressing issue, therefore, is that I need to replace my Korg M1 keyboard, which has died and needs to be destroyed. Can anyone out there recommend a new synth? I want something that will turn me into Harold Faltermyer, as opposed to Jan Hammer.
In the meantime, as a 'thank you' to the three or four people who read this site, I'm putting up an unreleased song from Annie for you all to download. Think of it as a sort of Annie-versary present! (Do you see what I did there?)
The song is called "The Wedding" and comes from a session Annie did for Sirius Satellite Radio. However, I purloined it from the ever-excellent
Click here to download.
The song's quite sparse and electronic compared to Annie's current album. The lyrics and arrangement remind me a little of a dub version of Prince's "Let's Pretend We're Married".
Annie also performed this song during her (rubbish) support slot with St Etienne in June. All I remember of it from that night is that we drunkenly sang "When Santa Got Stuck Up The Chimney" over the top of it. You'll see why when you listen to it...
So, to recap, thank you all for reading. Have some free music, and wish me luck in writing some new songs. Finally, here is a picture of a cat in a toilet.