Things I like nos. 16-20

16) Gnarls Barkley's album St Elsewhere.
Okay, I'm hardly ahead of the curve here but this really is a phantasmagoria of fantastic songs. Nothing quite matches the towering genius of Crazy, but there's not a dud in there.
Extra kudos to Dangermouse and Cee-Lo for dressing up like characters from their favourite films for the promo shots. That's Napoleon Dynamite at the top of this post. See their myspace site for Wayne's World and A Clockwork Orange.
Extra, extra kudos for making an album about mental health difficulties and naming it after an 1980s TV hospital drama.
17) Lily Allen's cockernee rap song LDN.
After Madonna dissed London on I Love New York, the capital needed a new champion, and Lily is she - even if she's singing about old ladies being mugged. Maybe we don't gots the ghetto, but we do gots happy slapping.
May I remind viewers that Lily Allen should not be referred to as the 'female Mike Skinner', on account of her being semi-bearable.
Download the song, plus tons of other Lily Allen gubbins, from [stereogum]
18) The BBC's ethical dilemma quiz.
Would you throw a fat man in front of a runaway trolley car to save the lives of the five people it's going to hit?
Now, consider what you'd do if the fat man was John Prescott and the five people were Westlife. Oh, the mental anguish!
[Read the article here]

A piece of A4 paper with the felt-tipped message "I am being harassed by the person taking this picture".
On the other side it says "I LUV TAKE THAT! SHOW US YOUR BUM, GARY!!!"
[via The Superficial]
20) The new trailer for Superman Returns.
Actually, I hate Superman - surely the most dull of all the superheroes? Yes, he can fly. Yes, he can bend steel. But where's the fun of a character whose only weakness is, basically, a nasty allergy?
Anyway, the trailer looks suitably blockbustery. A plane falls apart, some glass shatters, etc, etc. But about two minutes into it is a fantastic piece of subversive superhero comedy, courtesy of Kevin Spacey's vampy Lex Luthor.
Lex Luthor: Come on, let me hear you say it just once.
Lois Lane: You're insane
Lex Luthor: No (laughs) - the other thing!
Lois Lane: Superman will never...
Lex Luthor: (shouts in her face) WRONG!
Maybe, just maybe, this film will be worth seeing. Get the trailer on the [Superman Returns website.]
Ta ta for now.