Goldfrapp's A&E video = odd

Called A&E, the song is a beautiful, acoustic, banjo-fuelled ballad. In other words, it's a complete departure for the icy electronic duo... unless you count all that stuff they did on their first album which was quite similar.
According to the band's up-to-the-minute Myspace page, the video "is in and looks great" and "the lovely people at Channel 4 (in the UK) will be showing it EXCLUSIVELY on Saturday 12th January".
Except, in this fast-paced interconnected world of the internet and stuff, it "is out" and has been premiering EXCLUSIVELY on countless video-sharing websites for literally minutes.
The video all starts off very pleasantly, with Alison Goldfrapp lying in a pile of mulch singing her melancholy lullaby to the forest.
Then, for no reason at all, out pops Marjory the singing trash heap from Fraggle Rock who does a dance with some of her mates.
There is also a trangia.
(video fixed now - thanks for the emails!)