Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Kanye covered

Canadian musician Colin Munroe has an album coming out later this year. You won't have heard of him, so he's covered Kanye West's sumptuous Flashing Lights in an attempt to "create a buzz on the blogs".

Like Wile E Coyote to his Roadrunner, I have fallen for it.

Colin Munroe - Flashing Lights

I like how he's traded Kanye's braggadocio for a soupçon of self-effacing humour. "Your girls are fine - it seems a dime or two in every dozen / I only wanted one, but I'm no-one, so I get nothin'".

It's a little disengenous, though, as Munroe is definitely a "someone". People with a thing for Canadian urban music might recognise his name as a writer and producer for acts like Ray Robinson, Divine Brown, Brown Saucepot and Frank N Dank (I only made one of those up).

Anyway, the cover version is a great calling card. I'll keep an eye out for his solo material and see how things develop...

[via Mixtape Maestro]

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