Thom Yorke will be hopping mad
EMI have confirmed they are releasing a Radiohead Best Of in June. It has all those songs you love, plus the ones you respect but never really listen to from Kid A.
To promote the album, the label has done a thing called an "EPK", which is what Dan Ackroyd used to find Slimer in Ghostbusters.
Bizarrely, though, the EMI thing is just a shoddy video montage with some really old clips of the band talking about Paranoid Android from the days when they had hair and smiles.
Here is the tracklisting for obsessive fans to obsess over (OMG, where iz Packt Like Sardines In A Crushed Tin Box, this iz total shit, etc)
What a shame they didn't put on Pop Is Dead - the really, really bad single from 1993 that the band have completely disowned. Thom would have blown a gasket (What is a gasket? Have I just made an unwitting sexual reference?)
To promote the album, the label has done a thing called an "EPK", which is what Dan Ackroyd used to find Slimer in Ghostbusters.
Bizarrely, though, the EMI thing is just a shoddy video montage with some really old clips of the band talking about Paranoid Android from the days when they had hair and smiles.
Here is the tracklisting for obsessive fans to obsess over (OMG, where iz Packt Like Sardines In A Crushed Tin Box, this iz total shit, etc)
CD ONE Just Paranoid Android Karma Police Creep No Surprises High and Dry My Iron Lung There There Lucky Fake Plastic Trees Idioteque 2+2=5 The Bends Pyramid Song Street Spirit (Fade Out) Everything In Its Right Place | CD TWO Airbag I Might Be Wrong Go To Sleep Let Down Planet Telex Exit Music (For A Film) The National Anthem Knives Out Talk Show Host You Anyone Can Play Guitar How To Disappear Completely True Love Waits |
What a shame they didn't put on Pop Is Dead - the really, really bad single from 1993 that the band have completely disowned. Thom would have blown a gasket (What is a gasket? Have I just made an unwitting sexual reference?)