Worst album covers of all time!!!!!1

Yes, at least half a decade after someone emailed you the same content in an Excel file, you can gawp at "the worst album covers ever" courtesy of the NME website. And, to give it a fresh twist, you can rate the covers yourself - just like you did on Am I Hot Or Not in 2001.
The NME (which, let's not forget, bills itself as an "agenda-setting music bible") has even stooped so low as to steal the jpegs off the original worst album covers of all time website. The creators of this site also released a spin-off book in 2006, which you can buy here.
To avoid too many suggestions of copyright infringement, the lads at NME have cleverly picked out a few new additions to the list by scanning through the big pile of CDs in their office. Among their suggestions are Prince's Dirty Mind (iconic), Madonna's American Life (a pastiche of Che Guevara), and the Red Hot Chili Peppers' Stadium Arcadium (just some text on a CD cover).
Next week on the NME website: The changing faces of Michael Jackson, a picture gallery.