New video: CSS - Move

Not that I completely dislike the band's new material, mind you. The second album, Donkey, has a few fantastic fizzy pop moments - but too many of the songs are neutered by the whizz-bang production values, robbing them of the off-kilter brilliance of, say, Let's Make Love (And Listen To Death From Above).
Luckily, the band are choosing the right singles to support the record. Rat Is Dead (Rage) is still in my top 10 of the year so far, and new single Move is exactly the sort of plinky-plonky student disco nonsense the band are renowned for.
The video is smashing, too - full of clever trick photography and quirky humour, marking the best attempt yet to capture the band's South American charms on film.
Also, Lovefoxxx's new hairdo is fucking phenomenal.