Look at Christina Aguilera's new video

This must make Christina Aguilera mad. The platinum blonde pop princess was about six months ahead of the pack with Back To Basics. She even put in a bit off effort to update the retro sound with a bit of modern glamour, rather than relying on mere pastiche á la Winehouse. What's more, she had Mark Ronson producing bits of it, and managed to stop him putting bloody horns all over the top like some kind of freakish brass fetishist.
Where Aguilera fell down, however, was that she released a double "concept" album, confusing punters who would have preferred a single disc with 10 good tracks, and less of Aguilera pretending to be Vera Lynn's slutty grand-daughter.
So, tail between her legs, the starlet has ditched the whole '60s vibe and reverted to sounding like Britney with a good singing voice for her new single, Keeps Getting Better. It trails a greatest hits album on which, for some reason, Aguilera has re-recorded the vocals to Beautiful.
All of which is a shame because, unlike most of Mickey Mouse Club graduates, Aguilera always seemed to be the one with an artistic "bent" and a clear idea of what she wanted to do... Post-Back To Basics, it seems she's trying to recapture her former glories. And that never works.
Labels: Christina Aguilera, Music, video