Sunday, April 26, 2009

New music: Hockey - Song Away

When there are only four record labels left in the world and none of them have any money, talk of a "bidding war" is pretty redundant. Nonetheless, this term will be bandied about in press releases and broadsheet articles for the next couple of months in relation to Hockey.

The four-piece outfit - who are shaping up to be this year's MGMT - recorded one measly EP, were pursued by countless A&R "men" and signed to Capitol Records, who sent them off to work with big important music world people like Jerry Harrison out of Talking Heads.

They've been compared to everyone from Bob Dylan to LCD Soundsystem to MGMT (by me, in that paragraph up there). But if that all sounds a bit muso and chin-stroky, don't worry, because they have a knack for conjuring up big, meaty dance basslines in a fashion totally at odds with their professed veganism.

As proof, here they are kicking some ass on this week's Jools Holland:

Hockey - Song Away

PS: Thanks to my colleague Ian, who first spotted the band's raggedy rock charms... He'll have an interview with them up on the BBC website sometime soon, which I'll flag up on the blog.

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