Tuesday, September 15, 2009

MTV Awards - they were on telly

I can't abide watching these things in real time, so I only caught up with the MTV Awards this morning, making liberal use of the >>FF button. They were notable for three things:

1) Janet Jackson dancing with her dead brother - the sort of video concept he would no doubt have loved and spent $13m filming, were he not the one who was dead.

2) Watching the public turn on Kanye West live on television.

3) Beyoncé

Ah, Beyoncé. She really can do no wrong. From the moment during Jimmy Fallon's Boyz II Men skit when the camera cut to Beyoncé cutely lip-syncing along, to her magnanimous decision to give her acceptance speech time to Taylor Swift - whose own prize-giving was ruined by Kanye West being a dick.

And, amid all the attention-seeking, overblown, badly sung performances (we're looking at you, GaGa) Beyoncé took to the stage with a simple, old school song-and-dance number that blew everything else out of the water like an asteroid landing in Loch Ness. Here it is:

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