Wednesday, April 14, 2010

New video: Marina's robot reboot

As people up and down the country must surely know by now, Marina and the Diamonds is re-releasing I Am Not A Robot (officially the best single of last year, according to me) later this month.

Now, the original release has an original video which is also being used for the new release. But Marina has just uploaded a new video to accompany the new release which concurrently forms part of a competition for fans to make a new new video for the new release.

The best result here would be if someone submitted a new video recreating the old video in their bedroom, which could in turn be used as the new new video, thus creating some sort of continuum between all three, causing time to fold in on itself and life as we know it coming to a calamitous, but beautifully soundtracked, ending.

Or we could all just get on with our lives.

Anyway, Marina's competition "entry" (it'll be a bit of a swizz if she wins, won't it?) sees her walking down Sunset Boulevard lip-syncing to the song while waving around the disembodied arms of Big Bird's albino sister.

Marina and the Diamonds - I Am Not A Robot (LA version)

It is quite marvellous - especially at the end when she breaks out a massive grin and all the passers-by give her a spontaneous round of applause.

PS: Here are the rules for the competition, just in case you fancy being responsible for THE END OF THE UNIVERSE.

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