New video: NYPC - We Want To

The band have just sent out their new video, We Want To, accompanied by a handful of press quotes written by those self-same music snobs. Look at how they trip over themselves trying to imbue a cheery 80s pop song with importance and meaning.
"We Want To opens as a chipper ESG/Delta 5 stomper before efflorescing into aching and injured pop brilliance" (NME)
"A bouncy juggernaut" (Time Out)
"A pulsing, metric disco chant-a-long" (Artrocker*)
A quick scan of reviews for The Optimist, reveals that NYPC are custom-designed to elicit pretentious bollocks from anyone with a pen. Thank goodness for The Independent, who managed to pin down the album with the simple phrase "like The XX learning to dance".
Like the reviews, the band's new video isn't half as clever as it thinks it is - but don't let that distract you from a very, very good song.
* Yes, there is really a magazine called Artrocker. The mind boggles.
Labels: Music, new young pony club, video