Monday, August 23, 2010

Kanye West - an art student writes

Remember that Kanye West video I posted two weeks ago?
No? Well, here it is again:

Kanye West - Power

At the time, I asked if anyone could provide commentary on the video's imagery. Well, through the miracle of Facebook, a friend of a friend has submitted the following analysis:

"Profound video using one point linear perspective. Kanye remains at the vanishing point (circuitus spiritualis). In this subtle way Kanye presents himself as God over his creation.

The renaissance artists, when perspective was discovered, used to put the important stuff at the vanishing point, since it = infinite power!

Their paintings were all about the geometry (eg the golden triangle... related to harmonies in music) and so reaching the highest possible "spiritual" meaning etc...

I haven't put that very well but sure you understand."

Amazing, huh? Still, if you are impressed by that, wait til you hear the intricate dissection of art history Kanye provides in the (superb, Jay-Z featuring) remix.

I don't stop until I see the end
My vision clear, bitch
I'm on my Van Gogh
I don't hear shit

Qvi docent discit (Quid quid latine dictum sit, altum videtur)

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