Five things about Cheryl's Promise This

2) The tempo is 150 bpm. Other songs in this category include Message In A Bottle (The Police), Going On (Gnarls Barkley) and My Sharona (The Knack).
3) The tinkly piano in the chorus is very pleasing.
4) The lyrics are obsessed with death and religion. "If I die before I wake"; "In the beginning, there was nothing"; "On your knees, you pray for me". Spooky.
5) It is a very good contemporary pop song.
As revealed in a "classic" and "hilarious" and "subsequently removed" post yesterday on this blog, there is no artwork for the single yet. This is what it currently looks like on an iPhone photographed by Cheryl's PR team, who posted it on their brilliant and informative Twitter account last night (you should definitely follow them if you don't already - click on the link to @supersonicpr).

UPDATE: Here is the "listen again" link for the song's premiere on Radio 1 this morning [click here]. It will self-destruct after seven days.
Labels: cheryl cole, Music