Nero - A terrific cacophony

Describing themselves as "classically trained musicians writing fucking horrible music", Nero are London-based duo Dan Stephens and Joe Ray. As DJs of great standing and repute, you may have come across them in a club (they're playing the brilliantly-named Bonk in Finland tonight) or remixing the likes of La Roux and Calvin Harris.
But those were mere practice runs.
With some help from vocalist Alana, their new single You & Me takes Dubstep's demonic wub-wub-wub acid bass and shoots it to pieces with a sawn-off synthesizer. For some reason, it reminds me of Paul Hardcastle's mighty Top Of The Pops theme, The Wizzard - not just sonically, but because it triggers the same excited anticipation I used to get just before David 'Kid' Jensen introduced Black Box or Sydney Youngblood to the stage on a Thursday night in 1989.
Basically, right, what I'm trying to say is "I like this song very much, and here is a YouTube clip of it that you may enjoy in your own time".
See also: A much more considered write-up of Nero in posho US cultural magazine The New Yorker. Oooh, get them.