Some news from Roz at Atlantic Records
What makes a good press release? I'll tell you what makes a good press release: A totally irelevant picture of two Basset Hounds.
So thanks to Roz at Atlantic Records who has (a) made my day and (b) achieved the goal of gaining exposure for her artists on the UK's 2,772,923rd most-popular music blogTM.
First up is Ed Sheeran. He's been around for a while. So long, in fact, that he's deleted an embarassing teenage biography from his website. Here's what the Google cache of that document reveals:
Gigantism hasn't quite caught up with Ed yet - but his new One Shot EP might trigger the required growth spurt. It's trending on Twitter and everything.
The reason for this is his latest video: A looped, a capella version of traditional British folk song Wayfaring Stranger, as arranged by Jamie Woon.
Ed Sheeran - Wayfaring Stranger
After that tiny triumph, the press release moves on...
"In about 6 months, remember that I sent you this song," says Roz, pointing to a luscious track, by Chase & Status vocalist Delilah.
It's called Breathe, and has that blissed-out summer vibe that Sia captured so well on Zero 7's debut album. An absolutely perfect headphones track for when you're falling asleep on a picnic blanket.
Delilah - Breathe
The press release tails off a bit at this point. There's something about the inexplicably-popular Rumer, and the release date for James Blunt's new single. After that, frankly, I gave up.
PS: Roz, who is genuinely very nice indeed, is on Twitter - @Rozzerm. Let's all send her a message asking for James Blunt's autograph.
So thanks to Roz at Atlantic Records who has (a) made my day and (b) achieved the goal of gaining exposure for her artists on the UK's 2,772,923rd most-popular music blogTM.
First up is Ed Sheeran. He's been around for a while. So long, in fact, that he's deleted an embarassing teenage biography from his website. Here's what the Google cache of that document reveals:
"Ed shares his time between living in London, where he writes, records and gigs, and his home town of Framlingham, Suffolk. Since winning the 2008 Next Big Thing competition in East Anglia, Ed has attracted the attention of drum and bass legend, Goldie. After seeing him play live in London, Goldie commented: 'I think he's going to be giant.'"
Gigantism hasn't quite caught up with Ed yet - but his new One Shot EP might trigger the required growth spurt. It's trending on Twitter and everything.
The reason for this is his latest video: A looped, a capella version of traditional British folk song Wayfaring Stranger, as arranged by Jamie Woon.
After that tiny triumph, the press release moves on...
"In about 6 months, remember that I sent you this song," says Roz, pointing to a luscious track, by Chase & Status vocalist Delilah.
It's called Breathe, and has that blissed-out summer vibe that Sia captured so well on Zero 7's debut album. An absolutely perfect headphones track for when you're falling asleep on a picnic blanket.
Delilah - Breathe
The press release tails off a bit at this point. There's something about the inexplicably-popular Rumer, and the release date for James Blunt's new single. After that, frankly, I gave up.
PS: Roz, who is genuinely very nice indeed, is on Twitter - @Rozzerm. Let's all send her a message asking for James Blunt's autograph.
Labels: delilah, ed sheeran, links, Music, video