Friday, May 6, 2011

Lady Gaga shows us her Judas

Lady Gaga has released the self-directed video for Judas, the second single from her Born This Way album, and it's not the indulgent mess you might have expected.

Unlike the confused, dreary videos for Alejandro and Born This Way, there's a satisfying focus on the dancing and much, much less of the preachy gender politics. Yes, there's the expected, sleazily misappropriated Christian iconography (baptism, a crown of thorns, washing feet, a lipstick gun (that last one's from Corinthians I)) but nothing that I can get too worked up about. Mostly because it's all been done before. And better. Let's face it, if Gaga really wanted to attack organised religion, she'd be better off railing against the sexual abuse of children and the Vatican's complicity in covering it up. But by all means do the 'kissing Jesus' thing again. It worked for Madonna.

In the credits column: The video edit of the single is an improvement on the actual single. And the whole "Jesus and his disciples are Hell's Angels" theme gives me the excuse to say...

Here's Lady Gaga and Christ on a bike. (*lukewarm applause*)

Lady Gaga - Judas

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