New from Marina: Power and Control

I was reflecting last night on how Marina & The Diamonds' Electra Heart has the best opening salvo of any pop album this year. The first 30 minutes is an uninterrupted sequence of unassailable bubblegum hooks, even if (as mrsdiscopop pointed out) it sometimes veers dangerously close to being a Katy Perry tribute album.
Marina's new single Power And Control comes towards the tail-end of that purple patch. Focussing on the tug-of-war for dominance in a relationship, it contains one of the best lyrics on the record: "You may be good looking but you’re not a piece of art" and at least three of those aforementioned hooks.
The video is simple but beautiful, with Marina dancing around a stock music promo mansion (floaty lace curtains, no discernable furniture). There is some business with a tennis ball that screams "important metaphor" but it's more interesting to watch Power And Control back to back with the videos for Radioactive and Primadonna, and observe the slow progression of Marina's roots through her bottle blonde dye-job.
Labels: marina and the diamonds, Music, video