Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Oh hello there, new Prince songs

Prince is clearly gearing up for something special this year. A handful of new and rare tracks have appeared online via a Twitter account called 3rdeyegirl and, despite the fact Prince flounced off the internet in a huff about five years ago, he hasn't ordered their removal. Then there were a handful of surprise concerts in Minneapolis. And now he's put a new song up on his official website.

It's called Screwdriver and, like many of the recently-unearthed tracks, it sees Prince going back to simple rock riffs and goofing off with his all-female new band. It's not jaw-droppingly "oh my god, he's back" awesome - but it is a return to form after the barren wastelands of the late 2000s.

Here's a YouTube version - if it won't load, the original is on

Prince - Screwdriver

An interview with his new band also cropped up on The Current, in which we learn Prince is "ridiculous at ping-pong" and that - YES! - there are some "promo dates overseas" on the horizon.

The other track to appear online today is a live jam, called Chapter & Verse. It's a little loose and silly - but it's always interesting to hear Prince boss around his young charges (and to hear him dissing rappers like a silly old man.)

Fingers crossed for that tour, then. Eeeeek.

Prince - Chapter and Verse

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