Saturdays vs Psy: Who sang what?
After scoring their first ever number one, The Saturdays are on a roll. A sausage roll? No, silly, I mean they've finally gathered some momentum, a mere four albums into their career.
The follow-up to What About Us has just leaked over on this Spanish-language pop site, and you might be pleasantly surprised. Silly, sassy and funny, it makes a decent grab for the pop highground Girls Aloud vacated in March.
The song in question is called Gentleman which is, coincidentally, the same name as Psy's new single. Lyrically, both records are equally insane - so here's a quiz. Which lyric comes from which song? (Psy has been translated from the Korean, to make it more challenging).
Lyrical abominations aside, Gentleman is one of The Saturdays' best singles to date. The middle 8, in which the girls list their top hunks ("I need a Ryan Gosling, I need a Robert Pattison, Somebody I can take to mama, I need to find my Obama") is the best rap roll-call since Salt-N-Pepa's Shoop. Top marks to Madonna / Rihanna songwriter Priscilla Renea.
However, the song never quite matches Girls Aloud at their most flawless - the American accents are pretty jarring, and Xenomania would never have allowed a hook to be repeated so often. But, all in all, it's a solid 7/10. Well done, everyone.
If you're really stuck on the quiz, here's the Lyric Video for Gentleman for some "helpful hints".
Labels: links, Music, psy, quiz, the saturdays