Tuesday, July 23, 2013

They danced all night to the best song ever

Now, look. I’m not a Onesie or whatever it is One Direction fans call themselves these days, but the video for Best Song Ever is rather smashing.

Not the song – which is serviceable but uninspired – but the prelude. It’s an SM:TV-style sketch, penned by James Corden, in which the band meet a team of Hollywood “creatives”, played by themselves. In particular, Liam’s turn as deranged movie exec Les Grossman (Tom Cruise’s character from Tropic Thunder) is magnificent.

The rest of the video is standard boyband stuff: Oooh, look at us being naughty and boisterous. But there’s a nice moment towards the end when the “pop group who don’t do choreography” begrudgingly do some awful choreography.

Best Song Ever is out now, etc, etc.

One Direction - Best Song Ever

PS: Zayn makes a very convincing woman, doesn’t he?

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