Thursday, August 15, 2013

The Plastiscines are jolly good, c'est ca!

High Five! Or, to be precise, Tape M'en Cinq!!

That's the Plastiscines, a self-confessed "French band from Paris". You may remember them from the song Bitch, a minor hit in 2010, which got picked up by advertisers and shonky ITV2 programmes like Gossip Girl.

The gallic girl-punks fared fairly well in the UK, briefly charting with their album, About Love, and playing a series of explosive live shows. I once saw lead singer Katty Besnard stop the band in mid-flight to berate a punter who wasn't paying attention. It was quite the thing.

But it's been a quiet three years since that night, and I'd assumed the band had split until they popped up on Twitter the other night. It seems they've become a trio, swapped their guitars for a scuzzy synth-pop sound, and started dressing as Charlie's Angels.

Needless to say, I approve.

Their latest single is called Comment Faire. It snuck out in the UK in June, but I'm only just catching up now. It comes with a campy grindhouse video that updates The Beastie Boys' iconic Sabotage promo. It's so good, I don't mind being two months behind the curve.

The Plastiscines - Comment Faire

Good, huh? But there's more... The title track of their forthcoming album Coming To Get You is the sort of song Katy Perry would kill for. Smart, sharp and so seductive it purrs.

Although not literally. That would be weird.

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