What does The Fox say?
The Fox by Norwegian band Ylvis* is surely this year's Gangnam Style. It's produced by Stargate, it's had 250,000 views on YouTube since Tuesday... And Twitter is already head-over-heels in love.
So, brace yourselves. Here it comes.
Ylvis - The Fox
* Actually, they're a comedy troupe who present Hole In The Wall on Norwegian telly
You're going to hear this song a million times by the end of the week. It asks a very important question. http://t.co/UUHI0cXxTq
— HappyPlace.com (@HappyPlace) September 5, 2013
BREAKING: If you haven't been listening to Ylvis' "The Fox" for the last 20 minutes then we can't be friends anymore.
— Adam Carlson (@acarlson91) September 5, 2013
Ylvis with "Fox" - probably the greatest song & video of our generation. Perhaps any generation. http://t.co/HAeIo1FqXH
— TPT Open Air (@tptopenair) September 4, 2013
Ylvis - The Fox: Quite literally the most beautiful thing ever. September 5, 2013
Norway, you be crazy. #srslyidkwtf Ylvis - The Fox http://t.co/VGoZrmDYOn via @youtube
— nemetfox (@nemetfox) September 4, 2013
So, brace yourselves. Here it comes.
* Actually, they're a comedy troupe who present Hole In The Wall on Norwegian telly