Monday, March 31, 2014

Beyonce: Grown Woman (alternate version)

It's easy to see why Grown Woman didn't make the final tracklisting of Beyoncé's BEYONCÉ. Thematically, it chimes perfectly with the album's message ("I am a fully paid-up feminist who happens to enjoy filthy sex with Jay-Z") but stylistically, the song's peppy marimba rhythms are at odds with the stripped back rumble of Beyonce's libido.

Still, it's a lovely treat at the end of the video album - with a giddy, Nyan Cat-inspired collection of gifable lunacy. Now, thanks to a mysterious leaker on YouTube, we have an even more deranged, cartoonish version of the video.

Watch it now before the lawyers take it down. The lawyers have taken it down...

No, wait. It's back.

Beyonce - Grown Woman (alternate version)

And if that has stopped working, the original is still pretty amazing.

And there's also a remix video, also featuring the new graphics over here. I can barely keep up.

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