Katy Perry vs tUnE-yArDs
Whose video gives the best gifs? You decide...
In the red corner, we have Katy Perry who's trying hard (maybe a little too hard) to recreate the viral success of her TGIF video. Her latest promo, for the PRISM track Birthday. In a "hilarious" series of Candid Camera stunts, she poses as hopeless entertainers who ruin other people's birthday parties.
I'm sure it's all a great joke, but some of the children look traumatised.
Katy Perry - Birthday
Meanwhile, in the blue corner, tUnE-yArDs (aka Merrill Garbus) has gone for the surreal option. Her song Water Fountain has the clack-clack rhythm and nursery rhyme melody of a modern-dayIko Iko and, appropriately enough, the video is styled like a kids' TV show - complete with singing sofa and dancing finger puppets.
Again, your children will be traumatised.
tUnE-yArDs - Water Fountain
On balance, I think Katy wins the Gif war, on the basis of this image alone.
But tUnE-yArDs gets special merit for the "bonus content" science lesson she's uploaded to YouTube. How many straws can you cram into a potato?
In the red corner, we have Katy Perry who's trying hard (maybe a little too hard) to recreate the viral success of her TGIF video. Her latest promo, for the PRISM track Birthday. In a "hilarious" series of Candid Camera stunts, she poses as hopeless entertainers who ruin other people's birthday parties.
I'm sure it's all a great joke, but some of the children look traumatised.
Meanwhile, in the blue corner, tUnE-yArDs (aka Merrill Garbus) has gone for the surreal option. Her song Water Fountain has the clack-clack rhythm and nursery rhyme melody of a modern-dayIko Iko and, appropriately enough, the video is styled like a kids' TV show - complete with singing sofa and dancing finger puppets.
Again, your children will be traumatised.
On balance, I think Katy wins the Gif war, on the basis of this image alone.
But tUnE-yArDs gets special merit for the "bonus content" science lesson she's uploaded to YouTube. How many straws can you cram into a potato?
Labels: Katy Perry, Music, tune-yards, video