Tuesday, June 2, 2015

New discovery: Julietta - Goosebumps

NYC-based artist Julietta will fill a Banks-sized hole in your playlists, with a sullen, unflustered debut single called Goosebumps.

"I've got goosebumps on my skin, 'cause it’s cold and you won’t let me in," she sings over a doom-laden bassline, in a lyric that's as evocative as it is factual.

Weirdly, it seems like the song has been released before - with blog posts from last October pointing to a deleted Soundcloud stream and (even more mysteriously) a non-existent Facebook account. Perhaps the real Julia Libani has been replaced by an imposter, Don Draper style.

Whatever the story, and it's probably a really boring one about record label contracts, Goosebumps deserves to be heard. So here it is.

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