Monday, February 28, 2005

Old News!!!

It's like someone pressed 'pause' on the news when I left the country. Two weeks off work and the headlines are all the same: "Government debates ridiculous infringement of our human rights", "Boring Prince will marry boring lady", "Pope still not dead".

Has the music news been any more entertaining? Frankly, yes.

This is what I missed:

  • Joss Stone tells Robbie to shove it.
    "I liked you when I was eight, but I've grown out of it", the twirly-barneted diva told Robbie. Haven't we all, love?

  • Michael Stipe has blue snot
    It's true, I tells ya.

  • Neptunes: The honeymoon is finally over
    They are to take production credits on Jamie Cullum's new album, tentatively titled "Slap my fat, self-satisfied, tit-face"

  • Alanis - Go USA!
    Always one to be contrary, Alanis Morissette has become an US citizen just as thousands of forward-thinking citizens flee in the other direction.

  • Phwoar!
    Natalie Imbruglia's new website has 'gone live', as they used to say in 1987. Lots of gorgeous new pictures samples from her fantastic new album, which is out next month.

    Normal service is now resumed.

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