Old News!!!

Has the music news been any more entertaining? Frankly, yes.
This is what I missed:
"I liked you when I was eight, but I've grown out of it", the twirly-barneted diva told Robbie. Haven't we all, love?
It's true, I tells ya.
They are to take production credits on Jamie Cullum's new album, tentatively titled "Slap my fat, self-satisfied, tit-face"
Always one to be contrary, Alanis Morissette has become an US citizen just as thousands of forward-thinking citizens flee in the other direction.
Natalie Imbruglia's new website has 'gone live', as they used to say in 1987. Lots of
Normal service is now resumed.
Labels: alanis morissette, joss stone, natalie imbruglia, rem, robbie williams