Tuesday, March 1, 2005

uality Control

The latest edition of Q magazine flopped onto my doorstep this morning. Unbelievably, it leads with yet another list of the songs I MUST OWN.

This is ridiculous. In their relaunch issue 6 months ago, Q's cover story was exactly the same ("The 1,010 songs you must own"). In the interim they've also featured yet another "Top 50 Albums" poll.

I subscribe to Q because I want to read about music and the people who make music. But Q seems to believe that I'd rather have constant reminders to buy Pet Sounds (I already own it, and it's shit).

So, if you're looking for some decent music journalism, written by people with genuine passion and enthusiasm for the topic, you should check out Blender.

It's from the US but maintains a healthy interest in UK bands. The cover stars are the cream of the crop - Gwen, Snoop, U2 - and there's a zeal and humour to the writing which recalls the heyday of Smash Hits and Q itself.

Best of all, it costs something ridiculous like 50p an issue to import. Hooray!

  • Blender.com


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