Sunday, February 5, 2006

Video of the week: Common People

The high point / breaking point of Pulp's career, Common People put Jarvis Cocker at the top of the list of people TV producers try to book when they're a bit stuck for a social commentator who isn't boring or Germaine Greer.

You know the story - the lyrics are a semi-autobiographical account of Cocker's time at London's St Martin in the Fields' art college; it became the 'anthem of 1995' after Pulp stood in for the Stone Roses at Glastonbury; it sounds like it was written on a cheap charity-shop electric organ because it waswritten on a chep charity shop electric organ. ..

The video was made by Britpop's unofficial director, Pedro Romhanyi, who also did Parklife and Animal Nitrate. The art direction is superb (all those primary colours!), and it triggered several Students Unions arguments, viz: Who's sexier with a shopping trolley - Sadie Frost in Common People, or Louise-out-of-Sleeper in Inbetweener?

Watch the video below:

Buy it!
  • Different Class: The album
  • Pulp video collection

    Further reading
  • Common People in a cartoon strip, by Jamie "Gorillaz" Hewlitt.

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