Mika is coming: Watch out!

If you haven't heard of him yet, you had better get an opinion soon - because "the media" is getting it's big old granny knickers in a frightful twist over this flamboyant fop.
Here is a sample of what they've been saying:
"One-man Scissor Sisters" - Q Magazine
"Mika might resemble a young Leo Sayer" - The Guardian
"Unashamedly commercial" - The Times
"Every so often an artist comes along with hit written all over them" - Colin Martin, Radio 2
"One of the quirkier artists to emerge from England" - The New York Post
"Better than a kick in the cunt" - Popjustice
What they're all driving at, though, is that Mika will succeed because he sounds like people who are already famous. Robbie Williams, Scissor Sisters, Freddie Mercury, The Feeling - these are all names that have been bandied about. But is that really enough? Let's look at some more Mika facts:
Oh dear. Perhaps a video of Mika performing his single, Grace Kelly, will stave off that humongulous yawn you were summoning:
Hmmm... perhaps not. But let's just have a look at another video, by vaudeville Canadian rocker Hawksley Workman, for comparison purposes.
Do you think, readers, that Mika might have seen Hawksley at some point and thought to himself: "Oooh, I could do something like that - only gay"?
I'm saying nothing.