Friday, April 13, 2007

Bzzzz! Robyn live on Radio One - MP3s!!

So, Robyn's album didn't even make the top 75 last week. Honestly, what is the world coming to when a website with a weekly readership of 500 can't hype a record into the charts? I read somewhere that Liberty X got a number one by selling their nan a teapot that played Just A Little when you poured a cuppa, so what's going on here? It's a right ruddy palaver, I tells ya.

Anyway, I'm not going to stop banging on about Robyn's (excellent) self-titled CD just because no-one is prepared to buy it. I am like a tiny insect with impeccable taste flying at great speed towards a juggernaut of indifference in the full belief I can stop it dead in its tracks. I am also inept at metaphor.

To get to the point:
1) Robyn did a live session for Radio One on Sunday night.
2) It was on at 1:30am.
3) You probably missed it.
4) Here are the MP3s.

  • Cobrastyle
  • Konichiwa Bitches
  • With Every Heartbeat
  • Jack U Off
  • Be Mine

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