Hooray for Robyn!!!

After a couple of false starts, her new single, With Every Heartbeat, is all over Radio One. I even heard it in the all-important "first song after the news" slot this morning. She's also booked to do a live lounge session with Jo Whiley on 8th August (here's hoping she does her version of Prince's Jack U Off) and she's playing the very swanky Bush Hall in London - the venue where Lily Allen launched her album last year - on 7th September.
All of this off the back of a self-produced, self-released album. Now that really is nothing short of a miracle given the parlous state of the music industry at the moment.
However, there is still work to be done. With Every Heartbeat comes out on 30th July (digital) and 6th August (if you can find a record store any more). Let's pool all of our 79 pences and send it to the top 10. You know it makes sense.
Shame the video is such a ropey load of twaddle, though.
Click here to read my collected Robyn ramblings