Monday, August 13, 2007

Mitchell Brothers - Michael Jackson

"I wanted to be the man in the mirror
Right after I saw the zombies in Thriller

The Mitchell Brothers - not Grant and Phil, sadly, but the London-based hip-hop group - have recorded a rap tribute to the world's favourite pop oddball* Michael Jackson.

It rocks.

And it rocks even harder when Calvin Harris does a remix.

And it rocks a little bit harder still when someone painstakingly pieces together a video for the track using old Michael Jackson clips.

In fact, whoever has been hired to direct the real video should just give up and licence this instead (although I'd be happy if they spent an extra thirty quid to correct the spelling in the opening slides):

The Mitchell Brothers - Michael Jackson (Calvin Harris remix)

Great, huh? You can download the album version here. The band's new CD, Dressed For The Occasion, comes out later this year.

* By oddball, we do not mean contemptible freak. Not in our heart of hearts, anyway.

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