New Kylie material not so new after all

"She heard my album, liked it and said it would be nice to do something," he told Popworld. "But I'm too busy to do any music. I get one day off every three weeks at the moment so there's nothing I can do about it."
So imagine our surprise to discover a Just Jack / Kylie collaboration fluttering around the internet like a little baby sparrow. It perched on Perez Hilton's sticky pink finger and tweeted a little song, which Hilton generously put up on his website.

Then he had the cheek to send it to Hilton and pretend it was a brand a new record for a bit of cheap publicity.
And it worked, didn't it? Because here I am writing about it, despite the fact it’s a ropey old remake of an above-average album track. That Just Jack is a crafty little fucker and no mistake. I bet he steals Mars Bars when the shop-keeper has his back turned.
If you're interested, the song is called I Talk To Much. You can stream it from Perez Hilton, or download it here.
No word on actual new Kylie material, though. But, as soon as there is, we'll read about it somewhere else and write about it here a couple of days later.
That's a guarantee.