Monday, June 9, 2008

Here is Ladyhawke with her record

Ladyhawke is a new artist with a single she would like you to listen to.

While you fire up the video, here are some facts to ingest and regurgitate during a future conversation about Ladyhawke.

1) Her real name is Pip Brown.
2) She splits her time between New Zealand, Australia and the UK.
3) In her official biography, Ladyhawke uses the word "rad" without irony.
4) The Liverpool Echo (an esteemed journal of note) likened her to "a relic from the past".
5) That's a bit harsh, given that her only crime is to make slightly retro 1980s pop music. And who can't say they're making slightly retro 1980s pop these days?
6) Except The Kooks, of course. And Sting.
7) Some blogger said she sounded like Stevie Nicks "though Ladyhawke sounds much more like the lead singer of the Motels". Que?
8) Meanwhile, Popjustice said her video was "a post-millennial update on The Verve's Bittersweet Symphony, except it has got a good soundtrack".
9) Post-millenial means "made after the year 2000", fact fans.
10) Courtney Love thinks Ladyhawke is great, but don't let that put you off.

Ladyhawke - Paris Is Burning

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