Pink does a leak

I can't really understand why she persists with this angry young lady schtick when the majority of her audience must have grown out of their angsty teenage phase years ago.
True, this time she's banging on about her divorce from Carey Hart, which is an unquestionably adult theme, but the lyrics are tediously childish - she calls Hart a "tool" and blows raspberries at him. The censors will be apoplectic.
The video isn't much better - Pink brandishes a chainsaw, then rides down Sunset Boulevard on the back of a lawnmower swigging vodka.

She's not driving the lawnmower, of course. That would be irresponsible.
The thing is, Pink clearly isn't the punky bundle of terror she'd have us believe. Look at this handwritten letter she put on myspace after the song leaked. It's all smiley faces and love hearts. "Glad you likeys," she gushes to her fans. "And don't worry, Carey likeys too. We are insane!"
After finishing the letter, Pink wrote on her desk "Girls are the best. If destroyed, still true*."
Here is the song.
[*If not destroyed, still true]