Listen to the new U2 single!

U2's comeback single leapt onto the airwaves this morning, full of slinky guitar riffs and spooky harmonies.
The track is called Get On Your Boots, and it feels quite political for a late-period U2 track. The first verse sees Bono crooning "night is falling everywhere, rockets hit the fun fair, satan loves the bombscare but he won’t scare you," which could either be a reference to the Middle East conflict, or naff amuement arcade horror flick Final Destination.
First impressions are mixed. One the one hand, it could be a game-changing slow burner, like The Fly was back in 1991 (1991!). On the other hand, given the slightly schizophrenic cut'n'paste aesthetic, it could be a great big old mess, like Discotheque was whenever it was that Discotheque came out. On our third, freaky extra hand, it all sounds uncomfortably like Billy Joel's 1980s crapfest We Didn't Start The Fire.
Why not have a listen and judge for yourself:
U2 - Get On Your Boots (radio rip) [mp3]
The single's out on 15th February, followed by the album, No Line On The Horizon, on 2nd March. That's the artwork above... The tracklisting was revealed last week, and it is this:
1. No Line On The Horizon
2. Magnificent
3. Moment of Surrender
4. Unknown Caller
5. I’ll Go Crazy If I Don’t Go Crazy Tonight
6. Get On Your Boots
7. Stand Up Comedy
8. Fez – Being Born
9. White As Snow
10. Breathe
11. Cedars Of Lebanon