New music: Wale - Chillin'

That came from a mixtape, 100 Miles & Running, which led to guest appearances on tracks by MIA, Kid Cudi, Daniel Merriweather and.... er, Duffy (his remix of Warwick Avenue is actually pretty awesome).
Anyway, a couple of mixtapes later, and he's finally ready to release an album Attention:Deficit, which is due sometime this summer. If the first single is anything to go by, it's going to be amazing. Chillin' comes in two flavours - with and without Lady GaGa. The former features a sample of Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye - sadly not the Bananarama version - and is clearly going to be the radio mix (who would pass on the oppotunity to have 2009's top underwear model all over their breakthrough single?)
But the GaGa version is vastly inferior to the original, which goes a little something like this:
Best lyric: "Police come around, don't nobody say nothin. And you be with the cops - you niggas is McLovin'"