Warning: This post may result in you listening to a Miley Cyrus song uncritically

I mean, you have to let a lot of things slide: The auto-tuned vocals; the way it shamelessy name-checks Jay-Z in an attempt to pretend Miley has what people call "The Cool"; the video's unmistakable debt to (urgh) Grease; the false laughter in the final chorus; and the lyric about how the world's highest-earning teenager ($26m last year) is really just a loveable country bumpkin who's totally out-of-place amid all the fake tits and bouffant hairdos of Hollywood.
And yet... AND YET! You would have to be a stone-hearted grouchy sourpuss to hate it. The whole thing is so breezy and effortless, even though it's clearly the product of eight years' sweat, tears and potion-mixing in a top secret pop laboratory. Listen to that slinky guitar lick. Note the expert deployment of the handclap machinery. Bask in the glory of the chorus's amazing "zrrrp-wrrp" noise.
Also, the tune is pretty catchy.
Inevitably, the song will remain a guilty pleasure for most pop fans because of the inescapable fact that it is performed by Miley frickin' Cyrus, with her annoying perky voice and stupid gormless permagrin. But the fact is, if this was by Kylie, the "popular" music press would have collectively wet their knickers by now.
Labels: miley cyrus, Music, video