New music: Alex Winston - Sister Wife
Ok, this one isn't that new. Alex Winston's Sister Wife has been out approximately one million times already. This year alone, it's been available as a free download (January) and an EP (February). Disappointingly, no-one noticed, so Island Records has stepped in to release it properly with a marketing budget and a press release and everything.
Luckily, the song is quite brilliant. Imagine the works of PJ Harvey sung by a smurf, and you're halfway there. Woozy and whimsical, Sister Wife is a musing on the benefits of polygamy (watch out, Lady Gaga). More importantly, it's quirky musicality marks Winston out as the first competent US response to the likes of Florence and Adele and Lily and Marina.
Some other facts about Alex Winston:
Here is her single.
Alex Winston - Sister Wife
Here is a very good remix of her single.
Alex Winston - Sister Wife (Star Slinger Remix)
And here is Alex performing the single in a canteen at the Parisian office of a major multinational corporation.
Alex Winston - Sister Wife (live acoustic)
Trés bien, non? Grab a free, legal mp3 of the track here.
Luckily, the song is quite brilliant. Imagine the works of PJ Harvey sung by a smurf, and you're halfway there. Woozy and whimsical, Sister Wife is a musing on the benefits of polygamy (watch out, Lady Gaga). More importantly, it's quirky musicality marks Winston out as the first competent US response to the likes of Florence and Adele and Lily and Marina.
Some other facts about Alex Winston:
- Alex describes her voice as "high-pitched" and "nasal".
- She has toured with Chuck Berry.
- She plays guitar, ukulele, piano and drums.
- She is also learning the accordion.
- Her album is produced by 'hotly-tipped New York duo' The Knocks.
- Everyone says she is 19, but Alex insists she is 23.
- But that's exactly what you'd expect a 19-year-old to say, isn't it?
- Alex is a brunette.
- That is all I know about Alex Winston right now.
Here is her single.
Alex Winston - Sister Wife
Here is a very good remix of her single.
Alex Winston - Sister Wife (Star Slinger Remix)
And here is Alex performing the single in a canteen at the Parisian office of a major multinational corporation.
Trés bien, non? Grab a free, legal mp3 of the track here.
Labels: alex winston, links, MP3, Music, video