Monday, May 9, 2011

The welcome return of Jill Scott

When the sun comes out, it's generally time for Stevie Wonder's Innervisions or Marvin Gaye's What's Going On. Sometimes, though, it's nice to mix up the classics with something fresh. In the past, that's included Warren G & Nate Dog's Regulate, Alicia Keys' Songs In A Minor and every album Jill Scott has ever recorded.

So, it's appropriate and timely that - after an extended break to appear in The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency - she's back with some new material, just as the picnics'n'sprinklers season begins. The first release is the head-bobbing, soul-touching So In Love.

Jill's forte has always been the blissed-out soul ballad, and this is no exception. Happy lyrics are notoriously difficult to write without sounding trite and clichéd. For Jill, though, they come naturally. It's all about the tiny details no-one but a starry-eyed lover would notice. "I see you cross the road, talking to some men. I love your mannerisms, babe, the way you handle them."

Stick this on your headphones, sip some lemonade, and strut down the street with a mile-wide smile.

Jill Scott - So In Love

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