"If you love someone it should feel good to let them breathe"
Oh look, here's another band from Brooklyn dripping with studious cool and chunky rubber band bass lines. This one's a five-piece male-female combo called Friends. History does not record whether they are named after Chandler and Monica and Ross and Rachel, but let's assume that they definitely are.
According to this blog, the band formed last year after working together at a vegan restaurant. According to a different blog, they got together after a bedbug infestation forced them to share a flat for several weeks. Either way, they make great music.
This is Lykke Li with a disco itch; Neneh Cherry via The Tom Tom Club. Handclaps and cowbells abound. It's coming soon to an indie disco near you.
Friends - I'm His Girl
After listening to this I flicked straight over to Whodini's YouTube channel to relive their 1984 smash hit Friends. It was totally worth it.
Whodini - Friends
According to this blog, the band formed last year after working together at a vegan restaurant. According to a different blog, they got together after a bedbug infestation forced them to share a flat for several weeks. Either way, they make great music.
This is Lykke Li with a disco itch; Neneh Cherry via The Tom Tom Club. Handclaps and cowbells abound. It's coming soon to an indie disco near you.
After listening to this I flicked straight over to Whodini's YouTube channel to relive their 1984 smash hit Friends. It was totally worth it.