Lazily copying another press release*
* Except this one is better than the usual guff.

What is great about this particular mixtape is that (a) it is a free download and (b) War Of Words have gone to the effort of re-recording several of the tracks. In the words of Louis Walsh, they have "really made it their own".
Well done, everyone.
So there you go.

There's no need to thank me but I have just sorted out 17 minutes and 44 seconds of any DJ set you're ever going to do again.
War of Words just posted a mixtape.
Yeah, yeah, i know: everyone does a mixtape, don't they. BUT NOT LIKE THIS.
It's got SNAP! and TLC and BLACK BOX on it.
AND an amazing new War of Words original called Sympathy.
Here it is:
What is great about this particular mixtape is that (a) it is a free download and (b) War Of Words have gone to the effort of re-recording several of the tracks. In the words of Louis Walsh, they have "really made it their own".
Well done, everyone.
So there you go.