Wednesday, July 4, 2012

An interview with Dreama, whose new video is very good indeed

Hotly tipped* London rapper Dreama has just released a video for her song CTRL + ALT + DEL, which is a good thing because it is brilliant.

Rather than bang on about the zeitgeisty lyrics, or Dreama's incredible "flow", I thought I'd get her to explain the song herself. Here is what she said:

1) What inspired CTRL + ALT + DEL?
It's inspired by the feeling of being (and having to be) constantly connected to technology, since everything is geared heavily towards the online world. I was abroad recently and had no internet or outside connection on my mobile phone - I felt extremely disconnected, all because the internet was out. That's actually pretty sinister!

2) How many friends is too many friends for an up-and-coming rap "artiste"?
You can never have too many online friends as an up-and-comer. Social networks allow you to reach out an audience you probably wouldn't meet in your day-to-day life. I love that in just a few seconds, a simple post can be sent to someone on the other side of the world. That's awesome.

3) How many social media / email accounts do you have? And what's the most
embarrassing password you've picked?

Too many! Someone's always coming up with the next "must-have" service and you feel like you should at least check it out... That's how they get you! I don't really have an embarrassing password, just the embarrassment that comes with not being able to remember what one I've used for what site. That "forgotten your password" option sure comes in handy... [Editor's note: For the record, at one point my work password was "banjopeculiar", which was funny until someone from IT needed it to install a piece of software on my profile]

4) What more can we expect from Dreama in 2012?
You can expect more music, more gigging and probably more commentary of my love/hate relationship with Eastenders for sure!

5) Recommend another song on your EP for everyone. And one song by someone
else we might not have heard of...

Just one? - Okay, then I choose Opus Opiates - It's definitely a favourite of mine. For the other track, it has to be Skullcrack by Dibia$e. He's a producer from LA & that song is dope! A real head-banger!

CTRL + ALT + DEL is available on Dream's Reifer EP, and the video looks like this.

Dreama - CTRL + ALT + DEL

* By me

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