That's how it goes in the wild, wild west
I spent an entire evening watching videos of The Staves on YouTube last week. It taught me two things:
1) Lots of The Staves' songs are played on just two guitar strings.
2) I should never, ever try to sing harmonies.
The band's debut album, Dead & Born & Grown, is released in November, around the time they support Bon Iver on his European tour tour. Those of you who've heard the band's two EPs will already know what to expect: Impeccably sung, beautifully strummed, blissful campfire folk (Advisory: one of the tracks contains whistling).
The sisters have just released the video for their latest single, Tongue Behind My Teeth - or as the video would have it "Lengua Detras De Los Dientes". It's a Spanish-themed, guns-ahoy, Spaghetti Western-fest with the trio sporting Stetsons and shooting up a caboose.
Basically, it's a music video version of that film Wild, Wild West - but without Salma Hayek or the big metal spider.
The Staves - Tongue Behind My Teeth
There's gold in them thar hills, etc...
More about the Staves on their official website.
1) Lots of The Staves' songs are played on just two guitar strings.
2) I should never, ever try to sing harmonies.
The band's debut album, Dead & Born & Grown, is released in November, around the time they support Bon Iver on his European tour tour. Those of you who've heard the band's two EPs will already know what to expect: Impeccably sung, beautifully strummed, blissful campfire folk (Advisory: one of the tracks contains whistling).
The sisters have just released the video for their latest single, Tongue Behind My Teeth - or as the video would have it "Lengua Detras De Los Dientes". It's a Spanish-themed, guns-ahoy, Spaghetti Western-fest with the trio sporting Stetsons and shooting up a caboose.
Basically, it's a music video version of that film Wild, Wild West - but without Salma Hayek or the big metal spider.
There's gold in them thar hills, etc...
More about the Staves on their official website.
Labels: Music, the staves, video