Saturday, August 17, 2013

Prince's totally epic Danish funk workout

The horrific events in Egypt aside, it's been a particularly slow news week. Jeremy Paxman grew a beard and somehow it ended up in every major newspaper; then Prince sent copy editors into a tizz by joining twitter and taking a photo of a salad. (Incidentally, why did no-one use the headline Why You Wanna Tweet Me So Bad?)

My favourite part of Prince's Twitter debut was when fans started replying "I'd die if you'd tweet me" and he spent 10 minutes tweeting back: "There. RIP".

For those who managed to hold on to their mortal souls, though, he had another treat up his skinny purple sleeves: A flawless, 10-minute version of She's Always In My Hair, filmed live in Denmark last week. Put this on full screen, sit back and drink in the awesome. Absolutely brilliant.

Prince & 3rd Eye Girl - She's Always In My Hair (live)

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