Thursday, December 4, 2014

New discovery: Mickey Cupid

Mickey Cupid are the sort of band that could only exist in the 21st Century - collaborating across the Atlantic, via Skype, with one member in New York and the other stuck in Europe's fun capital, Brussels.

They've been around for a couple of years but only came to my attention when they tweeted me a short message on Monday.

Which goes to show you that good manners pay off because - out of the 600 messages I received that day, this was the only link I clicked on. And I'm glad I did, because Oh You is a gem - a slick, atmospheric electropop romp with ample use of finger clicks.

Here's what Matt Nannetti (vocals, Belgium) and Marcus Harmon (everything else, USA) told Magnetic Mag about the track earlier this year:

"Oh You is a song about the games we all inevitably play with one another in relationships. It's one of the many songs we both stayed up very late, multiple nights in our different time zones working on. The distance between us seems to bring together different sounds, ideas, and energies that combine to make something pretty complete."

So there you go.

Mickey Cupid - Oh You

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