Like bees to the hon-ay
Over the years, Britney has released some excellent, world-beating pop songs. But she hasn't looked like she's having fun since Toxic, over a decade ago.
That all changes today, with the breezy video for Pretty Girls, her collaboration with Iggy "inexplicably the biggest female rap artist in the world" Azalea.
So, Iggy is an alien who crash lands in Britney's swimming pool and leafs her down a path of bubblegum debauchery. Or something. There's a lot of vamping, a demented display of Iggy's "alien powers" and the best dancing Britney's pulled off since her well-publicised meltdown.
It seems the song has brought back Britney's balls - which is a phrase I instantly regret typing. But the video is as much of a blast to watch as it clearly was to make. Well done, everyone.
Labels: Britney Spears, iggy azalea, Music, video