Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Is Freedom Pharrell's very own Earth Song?

You've been able to watch the video for Pharrell's new single Freedom for about three weeks on Apple Music, but here it is on the proper internet complete with a cast of thousands, stunning HD photography and a beret.

Possibly inspired by the Iranian teenagers who were arrested for making a Happy tribute video, it's a plea for compassion and an ode to the human spirit (which also crams in a lyrical reference to The Jungle Book's I Wanna Be Like You).

Strangely, then, the video paints Pharrell as a megalomaniac, gesticulating and pontificating in front of "the oppressed" like a multi-millionaire with a Messiah complex.

In many ways, it's his own personal Earth Song, from Pharrell's guttural howl right down to the bizarre wildlife lyrics ("Cheetahs needto eat, so run, antelope").

I look forward to next year's Brit Awards performance with interest.

Pharrell - Freedom

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